
来源:环境学院 发布时间:2016-09-21



姓 名
























2016.2-至今 河海大学,环境学院,副研究员

2014.1-2016.1 香港城市大学,生物与化学系,“香江学者计划”博士后

2012.8-2014.1 厦门大学,环境与生态学院,博士后







(1)  Chen J, Zhou HC, Pan Y, Shyla FS, Tam NFY. (2016) Effects of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and plant species on nitrification, denitrification and anammox in mangrove soils. Science of the Total Environment, 553: 60-70. (JCR二区)

(2)  Chen J, Zhou HC, Wang C, Zhu CQ, Tam NFY. (2015). Short-term enhancement effect of nitrogen addition on microbial degradation and plant uptake of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in contaminated mangrove soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 300: 84-92. (JCR一区)

(3)  Chen J, Liu X, Wang C, Li XL, Yin SS, Shen ZJ, Hu WJ, Zheng HL. (2015). Nitric oxide ameliorates zinc oxide nanoparticles-induced phytotoxicity in rice. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 297: 173-182. (JCR一区)

(4)  Liu X*, Chen J*, Wang GH, Wang WH, Shen ZJ, Luo MR, Gao GF, Simon M, Ghoto K, Zheng HL (2016) Hydrogen sulfide alleviates zinc toxicity by reducing zinc uptake and regulating genes expression of antioxidative enzymes and metallothioneins in roots of the cadmium/zinc hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum L. Plant and Soil, 400: 177-192. (*These authors contributed equally to this work.) (JCR一区)

(5)  Chen J, Hu WJ, Wang C, Liu TW, Xiao Q, He BY, Wang WH, Chen J, Zheng HL (2014) Proteomic analysis reveals nitric oxide functions in promoting etiolated barley seedlings greening. Crop Science, 54: 757-769. (JCR三区)

(6)  Chen J, Hu WJ, Wang C, Liu TW, Chalifour A, Chen J, Shen ZJ, Liu X, Wang WH, Zheng HL (2014) Proteomic analysis reveals differences in tolerance to acid rain in two broad-leaf tree species, Liquidambar formosana and Schima superba. PLoS ONE, 9: e102532. (JCR三区)

(7)  Wang C*, Chen J*, Hu WJ, Liu JY, Zheng HL, Zhao F. (2014). Comparative proteomics reveal the impact of OmcA/MtrC deletion on Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 in response to hexavalent chromium exposure. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 98: 9735-9747. (*These authors contributed equally to this work.) (JCR二区)

(8)  Hu WJ*, Chen J*, Liu TW, Martin S, Wang WH, Chen J, Wu FH, Liu X, Shen ZJ, Zheng HL (2014) Proteome and calcium-related gene expression in Pinus massoniana needles in response to acid rain under different calcium levels. Plant and Soil, 380, 285-303. (*These authors contributed equally to this work.) (JCR一区)

(9)  Chen J, Xiang Q, Wang C, Wang WH, Wu FH, Chen J, He BY, Zhu Z, Ru QM, Zhang LL, Zheng HL (2014) Nitric oxide alleviates oxidative stress caused by salt in leaves of a mangrove species, Aegiceras corniculatum. Aquatic Botany, 117: 41-47. (JCR四区)

(10)      Chen J, Wang C, (2014) Variation of nitric oxide emission potential in plants: a possible link to leaf N content and net photosynthetic activity. Journal of Plant Ecology, 8: 313-320. (JCR四区)

(11)      Hu WJ*, Chen J*, Liu TW, Simon M, Wang WH, Chen J, Wu FW, Liu X, Shen ZJ, Zheng HL (2014) Comparative proteomic analysis of differential responses of Pinus massoniana and Taxus wallichiana var. mairei to simulated acid rain. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 15: 4333-4355. (*These authors contributed equally to this work.) (JCR三区)

(12)      Chen J, Xiong DY, Wang WH, Hu WJ, Simon M, Xiao Q, Chen J, Liu TW, Liu X, Zheng HL (2013) Nitric Oxide Mediates Root K+/Na+ balance in a mangrove plant, Kandelia obovata, by enhancing the expression of AKT1-Type K+ channel and Na+/H+ antiporter under high salinity. PLoS ONE, 8: e71543. (JCR三区)

(13)      Hu WJ*, Chen J*, Liu TW, Liu X, Chen J, Wu FH, Wang WH, He JX, Xiao Q, Zheng HL (2013) Comparative proteomic analysis on wild type and nitric oxide-overproducing mutant (nox1) of Arabidopsis thaliana. Nitric Oxide, 36C: 19-30. (*These authors contributed equally to this work.) (JCR三区)

(14)      Chen J, Wu FH, Liu TW, Chen L, Xiao Q, Dong XJ, He JX, Pei ZM, Zheng HL (2012). Emissions of nitric oxide from 79 plant species in response to simulated nitrogen deposition. Environmental Pollution, 160: 192-200.(JCR二区)

(15)      Chen J, Xiao Q, Wu FH, Dong XJ, He JX, Pei ZM, Zheng HL (2010). Nitric oxide enhances salt secretion and Na+ sequestration in a mangrove plant, Avicennia marina, through increasing the expression of H+-ATPase and Na+/H+ antiporter under high salinity. Tree Physiology, 30: 1570-1585. (Cover Story).(JCR一区)

(16)      Chen J, Wu FH, Xiao Q, Yang ZH, Huang SK, Pei ZM, Wang J, Wu YG, Zheng HL (2010). Diurnal variation of nitric oxide emission flux from a mangrove wetland in Zhangjiang River Estuary, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 90: 212-220. (JCR三区)

(17)      Chen J, Xiao Q, Wu FH, Pei ZM, Wang J, Wu YG, Zheng HL (2010). Nitric oxide emission from barley seedlings and detached leaves and roots treated with nitrate and nitrite. Plant Soil and Environment, 56: 201-208.(JCR四区)



(1)  中央高校基本业务费项目(2016B04014)湖泊湿地生态系统中持久性有机污染物的生物修复策略”2016.3-2019.315万,在研

(2)  国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(31300505)一氧化氮调控红树植物白骨壤盐腺泌盐的分子机制研究2014.1-2016.1220万,在研

(3)  中国科学院南京土壤研究所土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室开放基金(Y412201449)酸雨敏感和抗性树种对土壤钙及酸雨响应的比较研究2014.6-2017.66万,在研

(4)  香江学者计划基金(XJ2013037)氮输入对红树林湿地持久性有机污染物降解及植物吸收的影响2014.1-2016.110万,结题

(5)  中国博士后科学基金项目(2012M521278)红树林湿地产一氧化氮(NO)微生物的筛选及产NO机制研究2012.9-2014.95万,结题



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