环境学院学术报告: 超声化学—环境保护的新颖独特的方法
题 目: 超声化学—环境保护的新颖独特的方法
报告人:Timothy J. Mason 教授
时 间:2019年9月20日14:30
地 点:水利馆402
报告人简介:Timothy J. Mason ,英国考文垂大学建筑与自然环境研究中心教授。
Professor Mason is a world expert in sonochemistry. He studied chemistry at Southampton University between 1964 and 1970 and subsequently spent 2 years in the USA doing postdoctoral research on physical organic chemistry.
He moved to Coventry University in 1975 and together with (the late) Phil Lorimer pioneered the development of sonochemistry. He organised the first ever international symposium on Sonochemistry in 1986, coauthored the first ever book devoted to sonochemistry in 1989 “Sonochemistry, Theory, Applications and Uses of Ultrasound in Chemistry” and has subsequently published 14 books, 45 chapters in texts and over 250 papers related to sonochemistry, He has a current overall H-Index of 70.
In 1991 he was cofounder and then president of the European Society of Sonochemistry a post which he held until 2014. In 1994 he founded a new Elsevier Journal Ultrasonics Sonochemistry and later became Editor in Chief until 2015. The Impact Factor for this journal is currently 7.2.
Professor Mason became an emeritus professor at Coventry University in 2016 where he is part of the Centre for Research in Built and Natural Environment and in 2018 he joined a European Union funded group in Romania as an honorary member. The group is involved in microwave and sonochemistry technologies.
His interests are in a range of applications of power ultrasound including environmental protection, materials and food processing, extraction technology and therapeutic ultrasound.